Tag Archives: floating stools

And so I zoomed in…

Did it make any difference? Should I stick to the routine shot? For a clean dump like this, zooming in seems to work pretty well. But if it’s a mess, I wonder if a close-up shot will be nauseating.

Speaking of migration…

This morning’s dump underwent a bit of migration again. The top piece was floating for a while before it settled to the bottom to form the prongs of a pitch fork or the euro symbol (rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise), depending on how you look at it.

Curly wurly on the move

Normally, when you have your dump, you would expect the shit to stay put [put]. But this morning’s stools did a bit of a migration while I was bracketing the shots. And if I tell you this is how it ended up, you’ll probably say, “You’re kidding!” Right. This was actually the second delivery, roughly… Read More »