Star Trek Discovery: Drastic Measures

Author Dayton Ward seems to have a knack for describing landmarks, directions and actions, unlike Kirsten Beyer who excels with writing dialogue. Characterization suffered as a consequence and many characters fell flat from stereotyping. The excerpts inserted between chapters of the book slowed the pace down considerably, even though they offered a different perspective of… Read More »

What are the characteristics of a diamond?

The 4C’s: colour, clarity, carat-weight and the most important, cut. Colour: Diamonds range from colourless – the rarest and most valuable – to yellowish, with a spectrum of shadings in between. The only way to see the true colour of a diamond is to look at the unmounted stone through its side against a white… Read More »

2020 for change?

Sorry, the ship has sailed in 2015. By the time the next general election comes around, the exposing of the HDB leasing scam will loom large in the minds of voters. Out of self-interest and a blind faith in the greater fool theory, they will continue to install the #PartyAgainstPeople as their choice of predators.

Diamond definitions

Brilliance: Internal and external reflection of white light to the eye from a gemstone Carat-weight: Standard measurement for diamond size Clarity: The degree to which tiny marks of nature called inclusions are present in the diamond. Colour: Diamonds range from colourless – the rarest and most valuable – to yellowish, with a spectrum of shadings… Read More »

Diamond are forever

Lazare Diamonds have 58 facets, fashioned to precise angles and proportions to best unleash the diamond’s optical properties of sparkle, brillance and fire. Each Lazare Diamond also carries a patented laser-inscribed identification number ensuring authenticity. The number is invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen under 10 power magnification. The Paisley ring and… Read More »